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EIGHTH COLOR OF RAINBOW (Auto Biographic Novel)

              This is the mirror of my ambitions and me.... Coming Soon



 A STREET DOG (Short Story)


This dog came to this street recently. He seems to be from a place where there is no food. His visible ribs tell me this truth. The skin covered the ribs like a cloth. His black marks on the white fur are beautiful. None has seen him before. On the first day his appearance was a tragedy. All other dogs in this area, chased him, his cry was louder. They have given him some bleeding marks. Now they seems to be accepted him in their group. In the morning he lays near the bus stop. If any one looks at him sympathetically, he waves tail, smells them and follows them until they force him back. Rain is the curse for him. He used to get wet. People never allowed him to take a shelter under any roof. He used to run one place to another until the rain stops. None' heart melted for him. At last the sky itself gives him shelter by stopping the rain. Still he loved every one. Waved tail in front of every one. His eyes sought sypathy. Someone given, others denied. Still he loved everyone, alike.

He never barked at anyone, nor did he growl  


                   STORIES & POEMS
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                                             V BRIGHT SAIGAL


Ripples of Love

Ripples of love never subside,

Till the graveyard honor, and beyond

Sun and stars, smile and wink,

Yet, the showering tears, and smile prevail

Blurred vision and weeping heart mourn,

Before you lay silent, and beyond

The ocean of love, and legacy, prevail,

You left behind, and far

Leaving behind the day’s memories,

Hugging me still, the fragrance of past

Smile once , as you did ever,

From this coffin, before you leave

V BRIGHT SAIGAL (6th July 2005)

Short Story

The Last Supper

Still, I remember, the night along with others; we were having the supper. My father that night talked a lot, he made all of us laugh. When he came, it was an hour late for the supper. My younger sister had already slept. Mom was in the kitchen; I heard the noise of shower, while he was taking bath. From the bed, he grabbed my sister, still she was asleep. He took a piece of bread, dipped in stew, put into her mouth; she was chewing while closing her eyes. I laughed at her.

That night, my father was trying to distribute sweets, I asked the reason, he said ‘ I like it ‘. Again I didn’t try to explore; there was no meaning. Mother scolded me; ‘ otherwise he wants to know everything. I can’t let you ask anything and everything ‘.

My father stopped her, ‘ he is curious, that is what I like in him ‘. Again he told, ‘you don’t desert, your mother and sister, if ‘am not here, you are the only one they have’. My mother tried to stop him. He continued, I have some debts, ‘I couldn’t settle them, you should not ignore them. In the south side we have some property, I had mortgaged them, for my sister’s marriage. It was my father’s liabilty. I settled them in a descent way. We lost two cows; I had to sell them for her marriage’. After that my father didn’t talk, he went to bed.

Now, in front of us there, wrapped in a white cloth, closing his nose with cotton, tied toes, lying, as if, he is talking to me about his debts.

V BRIGHT SAIGAL (6th July 2005)

Today’ thought

1. Kindness is the gift,

   Everyone blessed with

2 . A good word can stitch a bleeding heart,

   If it is in time

3.  Life is the only voyage,

    Every one love to sail again and again

4. Clarity of thought,

   Accuracy of word,

Kindness of heart,

Can never be bought

5.  A thoughtless action is

   Harmful, than an epidemic

                                                  V BRIGHT SAIGAL (6th July 2005)



There has never a shower of luck in my life

Even if it was only a shallow shower

I grabbed it like a Cactus

Still I bore flowers

Sun rays made my days sparkling

Full moon wrapped my nights golden silk

Tears rolled down relieved burden

One day; rays of hope spread all over

The green valley of mind

Flood of  sweat made success

At last,there is a bud

Then a flower,Now a million

It is a bloom,A flowery valley of mind

Butterflies,colorful,swing up and down

Like flowers flying to kiss the sky

made my blossom more flowery

Made my ife ever fragrant


Published in 2001 by Poetry International Washington

Reached upto International quarter final in competition